Easy Breezy Homeschool Schedule

These next four weeks we are flying easy breezy with our homeschooling. If you are interested in learning about how we’ve decided on what to study you can read all about it in this post here.

I knew that I didn’t want to make the kids study out of books every single day. I wanted it to be more carefree than our Classical Conversations weeks and I wanted to have the flexibility to kind of study what we wanted when we wanted.

I came up with the schedule listed below and I think it will work really well for us. If you are in a similar boat where your regularly scheduled homeschool programming has ended but you still have a bit to go before your school year is up, well then feel free to borrow my schedule and tailor it to your needs.


We don’t have a set timed schedule but we do have a list of what needs to be accomplished these three days, including:

math: time with each of the kids for their own seperate curriculum levels

unit studies: the units that the kids voted for and I designated for the remaining four weeks of school

Computer studies: we’re working our way through books on Word and Excel primarily. I’m not looking for them to be able to publish if/and statements but some deeper knowledge would be nice

Indiana History/art/art appreciation: these rotate with the days.

Learning: I will either pick a random something for us to study (whittling anyone?) or I’ll have them work through any number of random puzzle/workbooks we have laying around. Very fancy.

music: spend some time on an instrument. Any instrument, I don’t care

Monday or Friday

Nature Immersion

We’ll be working through our Nature book each week, doing a few pages. I am envisioning that we’ll go on hikes, to a park, study nature, bird watch, or something else. But the point is to really immerse ourselves in nature

Monday or Friday

Field Trip

Whichever day we don’t do Nature Immersion, I’m planning on us being able to go on a field trip of some sort, somewhere. Right now I am planning on visiting the Fort Wayne Zoo, a travelling World War I exhibit, Air Zoo in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids. Those are just ideas right now.

And that’s the schedule. I want the kids to really love learning during these four weeks and not to see it as dull or cumbersome. I’m trying my best to be the cool mom and not make this time legalistic about getting things done while still trying to use my ninja skills to get things done.

Will it be hard to get things done? Absolutely. Math especially, we always seem to put math on the back burner. The one thing in life that should not have a place on a back burner. We are all works in progress so we’ll see how this goes. I still am working, Emma has a part-time job, Calvin has soccer and multiple therapies, we all are in family counseling, Emma is in ballet and a performance coming up, we are all just super-duper busy.

I hope this helps to see how we are planning on spending our time and how we try to get things done.

Hope you are having a lovely day! xo


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