Wednesday Wonderfulness

Man today was a doozy of a day.

I had to be to work this morning at 8 something to teach so I was out the door early.

Coffee this morning was my friend.

When I got home from work I took Emma to the BMV and… She got her learners permit!

I flounder between wanting this girl to grow up and feeling like it's all going way too fast.😢

After the BMV it was time for lunch before Calvin left for therapy and I took Emma to the orthodontist to have her braces repaired.

I realize this is the most exciting day you've ever read about but just try to control yourself. 😜

When we got home we snuck in work and math before it was time to make dinner and then leave for ballet and soccer.

It's been a whirlwind of a day.

Just so you know..

After the Ortho I got gas today at Costco for $3.94. dislike

For dinner we had broccoli, rice, and stuffed chicken breasts from Aldi. They're $1.25 each and I highly recommend for an easy meal.

Today is May 4th. May the fourth be with you. I can't think of anything fun to do for the day so we've just been watching pieces Star Wars movies throughout the day.

Advocare Spark is my best friend today. I've had two cups of coffee today and two large cups of spark.

As I publish this I still have a few chores left on the list and antiques to tag for the booth.

Nick's still in St. Louis. He reported that he's feeling better after he caught Emma's cold from the weekend.

And that's been my day. I'm trying to document the days so I can look back and remember God's mercies.

What were you up to today friends? I'd love to know. Xo


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