Wintery Wednesday and Lime Green Bands


The weather has turned white over night and I am once again convinced that we live in a snowglobe.

Living in a Nationally recognized historic neighborhood is nice but when it is covered with snow it feels ethereal. I mention we live in a "Nationally Recognized Historic Neighborhood" not to brag, well yeah to kind of brag. If you had a text book like we did on how to correctly apply your eaves at a historically accurate level you'd be using your national title any time you could because frankly, to have it, is a pain in the behind.

But we love it. I am a type 6 enneagram by the way. I've been getting into what number I am if for nothing else than to give me an excuse to live the way that I am. Oh sorry, I'm an enneagram 6...can't help it. But with being an enneagram 6 I both thrive on stress and complain about it at the same which is why you probably get these weird juxtopositions of me telling you how much I loathe and love something, all in the same breath.

As I mentioned above though it has snowed. We live about 24 seconds away from Notre Dame, so a lot of people living here are not actually from here. That's always fun in the snow because those of us who are from here are going around just like some whatever people in the snow and all of the non-locals are freaking out, sticking out like sore thumbs.

Not sure what it is about the snow but it makes me feel like I am a hearty kind of midwest girl. I feel I should be slopping hogs in bib overalls. Talking about the sapping season or something like that. Instead I usually am holed up in the house, doing laundry but nevertheless feeling hearty.

Today Emma had an orthodontic appointment and boy did I feel brave facing all the snow while others, from the amount of snow on their cars at 10 in the morning, had inevitably called in to work and said there's no way they can brave the cold.

We even made it early to the ortho and had time to stop by my arch-nemesis...rememebr from yesterday's post, Michael's for at long last they have my nerdy sticker book.

In case why you are wondering why I am so dead-set on getting this sticker book, allow me to explain. I am planning the children's schooling for this upcoming school year and I needed a planner so I bought one online that is outdated for next year. I think instead of the normal $40 price tag I paid $5.99. Let's call that what it is, a bargain.

But in order to update the teacher planner I needed (read that as wanted) these date stickers to cover up the old dates. So I got this one that has the dates on cute little shapes. February are hearts, March are shamrocks, you get the idea. I paid $11 for the sticker book so when you add that and the planner I still paid under half for the planner. You might be thinking that it still isn't worth it to have to do all of this work to switch the dates and you might be right except the new teacher planners are not even out yet and I need to get started now.

So there you go, a comprehensive look on why I am a crazy planner person and the method behind my madness.

After Michael's we went to the ortho and still had 5 minutes to spare! I was very pleased with myself over this. It's the little things, right?

At our orthodontist I never know if I am supposed to go back with Emma or not. I decided to go back today and next to the dental chair there were two chairs for guests to sit. I know I am allowed to go back but I always wonder what is expected of parents...are we supposed to go back? Are we not? Does this make me a helicopter parent?

She chose lime green bands in case you were curious. I heard her request that color and I was instantly a little worried but it didn't end up being a garish green but instead was a light, springy green.

We then came home and it is still dumping snow. It's expected to stop during the wee hours of the night tonight.

For lunch the kids had leftover veggie soup. We have gone gluten-free, for the most part, as a family. Most of the time it is pretty simple but at lunch I turn into my counterpart who remembers eating canned tuna and kraft macaroni in the '80s. I struggle with not giving them gluten for lunch if for no reason than I think the nostalic part of me takes over and I want to serve them the junk food lunches that I grew up with.

After lunch I had a conference call and so the kids went out to play. They went out to play after they were done re-doing their chores for about the fifth time today. I think they have about as much experience cleaning as Niles Crane does with wearing jeans.

Not a lot.

Our Emma has observation in her ballet class this evening. How someone so beautiful and talented came from two goofballs like Nick and I is so beyond me. Just another testament to how amazing our God is at creating beauty.


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