A Rainy Tuesday with a New South Bend Coffee Shop


Today is a rainy day as we prepare for what is supposed to be some serious snow.

When we get snow some people go out and purchase eggs and bread. I envision all of the sledding that we will do. I'm nearly certain I am still a fourth-grade girl at heart.

Some days I want to get all of the things done but today was not one of those days. So did I watch YouTube videos and drink coffee until the kids woke up while working on worky things? Yes, yes I did. I pride myself in my ability to get things done while still essentially being a useless slob to the world. My ebook tutorial will be out later this year.

Nick arrived home from his bible study this morning and we decided to get out of the house to get some work done like normal people.

I had read about this new coffee shop in South Bend so we decided to check it out. If you are in the Bend you can also check it out, as its called Embassy Coffee and is their second location.

I always have my doubts about second location coffee shops but seeing as they had a honey latte like I had decided I liked last year in Long Beach, I decided they might just be okay.

Nick ordered a drink that 2 oz. coffee and 2 oz. of some kind of dairy. Lets guess and say cream shall we? Isn't it just the cutest little drink next to mine?

The ambience is very millenial/Instagrammy which we need more of since most of the time SB has a back of the gas station kind of vibe. Well played, Embassy Coffee, well played.

My only drawback I could find was that sometimes their music was a touch too loud but I am old and admitting to you right now that this is probably a fault of mine not theirs. So visit the new coffee shop, teach them how to avoid theft, and buy some coffee.

That theft comment, by the way, was because we live in one of the most violent cities in the country, btw. Look at us, being the new Detroit.

After coffee we decided to act like completely middle aged people and we went to Costco. Nothing like going to Costco to pick up heavy whipping cream and a gigantic bottle of scotch. Did you notice from the title that this is Tuesday? Let the good times roll.

After Costco we went to Michael's so I could buy some planner stickers that I've been on the search for. Can we please talk about how much I hate the coupon song and dance that stores make you do? So I had this 50% off coupon for a regular priced item. I went to buy this sticker book and it was on sale so I couldn't use the coupon. I found a coupon for an additional 20% off sale items (nice!) but of course it was for online purchases only. Makes me want to scream. So we came home where I proceeded to use the coupon and choose to pick the item up in the store. So what does that mean? You've got it...now I have to go back to the darn store.

Before we went home we stopped by Fresh Thyme to pick up some tomatoes for dinner tonight. Do you have Fresh Thyme stores by you? I love the store for fresh produce! While we were there we picked up Hillary's Veggie Burgers. They were amazing! They are made of organic millet, sweet potatoes, and kale. So yummy to eat for lunch! am going to be getting some more for the kiddos to have for lunch. Y'all they are that good!

Tuesday nights we have bible study where we carry in meals. Tonight's theme is pizza so I need to hop off of here and get some pizza made. I'm using this Pioneer Woman recipe for pizza dough if you'd like to make some too. We are taking a Margherita pizza because I already had fresh mozzarella and pesto at home. Not to mention it is a family favorite.

What is your favorite kind of pizza?


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