Tuesdays are for Freezing


I have decided that I want to be the cool mom.

Which I definitely was today going on our hike!

I thought it would be great fun to go on a bit of a jaunt to a State Park while we are all sequestered away from people.

There's really nothing I like better than a good old hike. And while my children equally like to hike (even though most of the time they kick and scream until they get there, forgetting how much they really do love it) my husband does not like to hike.

Like at all.

So that is always fun...trying to be all amped up about hiking and giving him to dirty stink eye over the children's heads that he needs to ante up and be on board with this man, we're supposed to be a team.

We settled on Potato Creek State Park. While we have been self-quarantining and will continue to do so, the ultimate self-quarantining in my book is to get out of the city and get some fresh air away from everyone. I think of all of the old ailments. When my great-grandma had TB, there are stories of how they would drag all of the TB patients out and have them out in the open air to breath it all in.

Fresh air will cure what ails you!

We found a mile long hike which was very nice and provided lots of fresh air and things to discover.

We also discovered that all of our nature identification books are down at our cottage, and so I took photos of tracks and plants to discover back at home.

This cutie is such a trooper. She is so helpful and kind. She carried the backpack with everyone's stuff in it almost all of the way before asking for a break.

And seriously, what is this print? It looks like a bear but we don't bears in our state, Indiana. Welp. Maybe now we do!

Tonight we are going to have corned beef and cabbage along with Irish Soda bread for St. Patricks Day! Do you have any traditions to celebrate the luck of the Irish?

I hope you're enjoying this quarantining time and don't forget that you can get out and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine while keeping your social distance.



12 Quarantine Boredom Busters


Citizens and the Toilet Paper Act of 2020