And on this Monday…

We had a crazy busy but crazy awesome weekend around here. We were able to get oodles done at The Cozy Cottage, do quite a bit of relaxing at home, and then hit the ground running for a jam packed, action filled week coming up.

Nick is out of town and let me just be honest in telling you that I hate to cook when he is not home. Who knew that I was only cooking to impress him? I know i am not but when you only have yourself as the sole person who is going to eat and not complain about dinner, suddenly your motivation to cook becomes quite low. Explaining this in case you’ve never been in a similar situation.

Life has a way of zooming by too when Nick isn’t here. Mondays I work, take care of getting the kids off to a good routine with their schooling, and I make it a point to get quite a bit of housework done. That is all during the day and at night it is a crazy mixture of dinner, ballet, soccer, pick-ups, drop offs, snacks, showers, arguments, and hanging out together.

This week Nick is only out of town for part of the week and then he’ll be working from home. I am always reminded when he comes home how good it is to have him here because we can split the kids up and I don’t have to run all over God’s creation each night trying to deposit and pick up my kids from every which where in the world.

Last week Nick was out of town and Wednesday I literally thought I was going to lose my mind. I was having to text my mom complicated scenarios of picking up one kid, and dropping another kid off that I would then pick up and then would drop off another place in between work appointments. At the end of the night I remember sitting on the couch and feeling like I was having an out of body experience because I couldn’t believe I finally made it through the day and was there sitting on the couch. I have mad props to give to all of you single moms because I am losing my mind over here.

On this Monday Nick’s mom came to get the kids and take them to lunch. Which was totally nice because I had a zoom call and nothings better than having to stare daggers into your children to turn down “The Office” whole you are trying to be on a call in the other room. Or am I the only one still experiencing the dreaded zoom call fights with my kids?

Evidently she picked them up for easter. She gave them a bag of jelly beans, a solid chocolate bunny and took them shopping. This is the teenager equivalent of an Easter basket and I am here for it. Well, I’m here for the bag of jelly beans at least.

On this Monday this mom decided that she has had enough and gleefully put a frozen lasagna in the oven at 3:30 for dinner. I cannot even begin to tell you the excitement I felt when I saw that ding-dang thing in the deep freeze. Angels were sommersaulting. Gnomes were twerking somewhere. It was a glorious moment.

On this Monday this mom got all but three chores done while she writes this at 4:30. I am feeling pretty accomplished that I was able to get things done and actually checked off of an actual list. Including watering my house plants. Also, breaking things down into bite sized, reasonable tasks makes life so much easier. When the toilets are cleaned and the living room is vacummed I feel that I can pretty much handle anything that comes my way.

On this Monday I took some time for some reflection. I think it is partly because I found this adorable planner/journal at HomeGoods last week and partly because my therapist said I need to pause and reflect each day.

On this Monday I lit a candle and was happy to, even though I am still burning Christmas candles. Do you burn candles that you have or do you switch them out for the season? I love Christmas type candles with the spicy, cinnamon smell. I also love those clean cotton smelling candles. What is your favorite candle scent?

On this Monday this is the photo that I sent to my husband who sent me an equally ridiculous photo. This is also where I set up my office perch for the day as I like to move around the house.

On this Monday we were able to get out of the house for ballet and for soccer respectively without any tears or gnashing of teeth. We were calm and organized. We were on our game. We had a great evening. I had a great time relaxing with this lovely soccer view while I sat in the car and avoided the cold wind. I was able to get some reading done, some writing done, and some more work done while sitting in the car during soccer. Yeah, soccer!

And on this Monday…. what did you do?


Blue Book Review and Planning for after CC


Things I’m Loving on a Sunday…