5 Things I Wish I'd Known About Bookshark before Starting


In homeschool we started using Bookshark Science, Level H this year. This was our first time using Bookshark and perhaps this is your first time too or you are thinking about it too. There have been a few things I wish I had known about the program so I thought I would share them with you. Here are 5 things to know about Bookshark Science, Level H: Conservation, Robotics, and Technology:

1. Bookshark doesn't tell you how much time each lesson will take

When we started Bookshark I went through all of the materials looking for how much time I should plan out each day for our science unit.

I couldn't find anything.

I thought I was going to lose my mind. After all, I am a momma where, if we have 15 minutes down for Latin review and the 15 minutes are up, I want the kids to put pencils down and be ready to go.

So the fact that there were no times listed, nothing to navigate me in my schedule left me feeling a bit bonkers.

2. The supplies given are exact amounts

The science kit gives you most of the supplies that you need for the labs each week. What isn't included is in the teacher's guide so you can see what you need each week and the nice part is that what isn't included are everyday materials you can find around the house.

The materials are given to you but I wish I had known that they give you a pretty exact amount of supplies that is close to what you need. So if it says 6 inches of wire, you want to make sure to measure out 6 inches of wire in order to not run out for other experiments and labs that will need wire later on.

While this may seem daunting I have enjoyed that a) it's teaching our kids to measure out supplies, a great practice in science to keep things measured and orderly for experiments, and b) it isn't letting things go to waste. We appreciate that Bookshark isn't being wasteful with materials.

3.The Kids Love it

I'm not sure what exactly it is. Maybe someday I'll be able to put my finger on it. Maybe it's something in the Kool-Aid. But whatever it is one thing is for sure: our kids LOVE Bookshark Science. LOVE IT!

Perhaps it's the independent thinking they can do, the out of box pondering required, the imagination that is sparked thinking about inventions and designs. Whatever it is, our kids BOTH ask to do science first each and every day.

I was not at all prepared for this. However, it has been such a wonderful change to our lives and this mama has definitely had to jump on the science bandwagon. Now we're watching optional science videos in our free time, discussing at bed time modifications we could make to lab projects, the list goes on and on.

4. You Can't Save Your Projects

I am a huge saver. My husband can attest to this. Every science project, math worksheet, and art invention that my children have made throughout the years...I have them. I save everything for each year in a box in the attic. We have amassed a wall of boxes that is strictly homeschooling proof.

This year was no different. After our first 6 weeks I proudly boxed up their papers, projects, and labs into the attic to make room for more.

Imagine my surprise when we went to do the week 7 lab and found we didn't have enough supplies! Gasp. We figured out that Bookshark is made to take the labs apart and REUSE the materials.

Isn't the genius? In all honesty, at first I was a little miffed, but it was only because I had to trek to the attic to get the kids science projects and then dismantle them. While I was stripping projects down for parts I thought of how genius it was though. After all, everything is getting used and used again, making sure to effectively use everything.

So if you're a project hoarding mama like me, make sure you don't store those projects but instead have them on hand to rip bolts, wires, batteries off of when the time comes. So fun!

5. Discussions will arise

In our other curriculum for probably the past 5 years, we've been a do a subject and move on kind of family. Rarely did something strike us to have conversations about it at the dinner table, to point to something in reference to our lesson when out and about running errands. But with Bookshark this is happening. And it's happening a lot! Not just mentioning but diving into subjects, talking about heavy subjects like do robots have souls. Fun projects like how hard it would be to make a catapault that would shove you through an automatic door. lol

Those are the 5 things I wish someone had told me about Bookshark before I had started. I hope this helps you in your Bookshark journey. If you are on the fence about Bookshark I highly recommend it! We have loved every portion of it and are so pleased with our decision to use it this year!

All this to say, life with Bookshark is so fun and fulfilling. We are enjoying how a science curriculum is drawing us closer as a family. As we continue to work through the program we are eagerly anticipating all of the new discussions, projects, and questions that we will encounter together. And we just can't wait!

Want to see all that Bookshark has to offer? Check out their website!

Read all about our curriculum choices for this year including Bookshark!


Bookshark Science, Level H: Conservation, Robotics, and Technology


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