6th Grade Curriculum Choices for 2019/2020

Eep, y’all, can time please stand still? I don’t know how I became the mom of a 6th Grader who is my baby but I’m pretty sure someone is going to quickly realize I’m really only 15.

At least that is still how I feel. Is there a medical condition for never feeling like you are growing up and still feeling completely inadequate to adult? What is that called? Because I have that.

Needless to say Calvin is going in to the 6th grade or perhaps we should call it 6th grade-esque. We are after all homechoolers, folks. You know how we like to be all loosey-goosey with those rules.

This is the first year in a while that I am not changing everything under the sun for Cal in a wild effort to find something, anything that will help the kid to learn. Can we all get a Hallelujah because I am one happy momma that I am not having to spend hours reading scope and sequences for curriculum and compare them and stalk people on the interwebs who have used said curriculum to see if their children look relatively uncouthed from the curriculum or if it has changed them and not for the better. Like Becky Sue with that mule. Cross eyed one minute, straight back the next. Don’t buy curriculum that’s like the mule, folks.

All that to say I feel free but like I should be doing something. I choose to ignore that feeling most of the time and instead watch more Hulu. Hulu and I are friends.

As promised, today I’m sharing our 6th Grade Curriculum picks, so let’s get to it!

Here is our curriculum line up for this year.

Writing: IEW Medieval History-Based Writing 

Grammar: Essentials of the English Language

(Available to purchase if you are in the Classical Conversations Essentials Program). If we were not in the CC Program we would be doing First Language Lessons or Rod and Staff English. We’ve used both in the past and I really liked both of them.

History: Story of the World, Volume 2: The Middle Ages

We will be using the softcover chapter book by Susan Wise Bauer (the history reads like a story which we all LOVE!) and the Activity Book. There is an audio book of this available as well as tests. We don’t use either of those materials though.

Latin: Latina Christiana Level 1

Typing: Jump Start Typing

This is an older program. Honestly I think I may have purchased it from a Scholastic Book Order when Emma was in preschool (gulp!) but it is still available. It works really well for us and is game formatted which both kids have enjoyed.


We will be following the CC weeks of Science and adding materials in that pertain to each week.

We will also continue with Kiwi Crates because the kids love doing those. So excited to do experiments with our kiddos who LOVE science! We are so blessed. Allow me to just randomly interject that little statement.


We will be following the Story of the World’s maps as well as tracing maps that go along with Cycle 2 of Classical Conversations.

Math: Right Start Math Level D

We tried about 5 different math curriculums with Cal (that just made me think that maybe I’ll talk about that sometime) before we found this curriculum. It plays really, really well with the autism because it is very large concept thinking. Things that I never would have thought of. It’s also extremely out of the box thinking which seems to help pull Calvin in and keep him challenged on a fun level rather than being bored with the work. I highly recommend this math curriculum!

Other Activities Cal will be in:





We will be adding in unit studies as we can and nature studies here and there as we have time.

So I’m curious. What are your curriculum recommendations? I love having new ideas.



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