July Current Project Journal
As I write this Nick is in Toronto. I’ll pause while you sing a roving rendition of Oh, Canada! Steve Martin style.
I thought it would be fun to begin a journal series about our Current Projects if for no other reason than to give you something to laugh at. I mean, we have high hopes around these parts. And let me tell you, owning two homes is not as glamorous as one may think. Like how this past weekend Nick spent THE ENTIRE Saturday repairing a leak in our roof that we discovered after being down at the lake for 3 weeks and having lots of rain. Oh, how fun.
The joys of being homeowners and living in an old house.
If our list of current projects doesn’t make you laugh I hope it at least helps you put your own list into perspective. After all, no one is without the to-do list that must accompany one’s home.
That being said, here is what we have going on currently and what we will be tackling soon:
With the roof fixed, we will now be repairing the part of our bedroom ceiling where we found the inevitable leak.
Repair the ceiling in the blue room after an electrical upgrade and repaint ceiling
Continue putting together the rescued fireplace mantle.
Whittle down the never ending mountain of mismatched socks.
Pack for the lake and get ready to take an enormous box of items to move in…slowly but surely we are getting everything there that we need.
Make a list of what we need for our upcoming school year.
Find someone to wallpaper the stairwell.
Keep the new rosebush alive! Research!
Put up random trim piece in the downstairs laundry room.
Caulk and paint the chalkboard frame
Defrost the freezer
Plant flowers at the cottage
Paint the exterior of the cottage
Repair Cal’s window pane
Those are our current projects going on.
What projects are you guys all working on?
Does anyone know anything about roses? We have a new rosebush and it seemed to do this weird thing where it flattened itself out. It looks like a flying saucer. Now the outer edges have roses and the middle is dying. I told Nick since he’s a Landscape Architect that he should be able to help me. He told me to find a gardener. He just plans them out, he doesn’t keep them alive.