Reminder Binder Review and Giveaway!


I love planners. 

Like you didn't know!  

I am a self appointed school supply nerd.  Just give me a new planner and some cute pens and I'm as happy as a clam. 

But as I've become a mom and then a mom of two I found that my planner needs changed. 

I need room, people, lots of room to write stuff down.  Lots and lots of stuff.  It's hard keeping things straight when you have four people in the house who at any given time could all have the need to be at different places at the same time. Yikes!

So I've been in the market for a planner that understands that and doesn't judge me.  Don't try to make me cram everything into a tiny box.  Don't try to confuse me with your ways.  Just be you.  "You've gotta be you, I've gotta be me..." 

And yet in that I am still a girl at heart that loves pink and colorful things and feeling like life if fun and joyful and not that I am sitting in a legal office filing something. 

I was on one day <or but we're just talking on here about the once> and I came across this cool planner called the Reminder Binder.  It was colorful and came with stickers and room to write and jot notes down.  Then I saw it had a pocket and I was sold. 

So I've been using this for a while now and I have to tell you, I just LOVE it!  I watched the video at the designer, Denise Albright's website and I totally agree with her heart and her philosophy. I felt like she totally gets us moms.  She gets us!  She's one of us!  Plus you can go to her website after you purchase the planner to download freebies to use with the planner.  What's not to love about that?

One of my favorite things about the Reminder Binder is the layout.  The weekdays are on one page and the weekend days are on another. 

In the back there are perforated pages of notes which is super handy for lists or meeting notes, something you may need to take out. 

I personally use colored pens and I love how they coordinator with the binder.  Here's my system: 






Orange-Both Children

It's really been helping me to be better organized and to keep an eye on what I have to do and when.  

So, are you in love with the binder too?  

How does a chance to win one sound?

Well it gets even better!  I contacted Denise Albright, the Creator of the Reminder Binder, and in honor of Christmas being right around the corner she is offering the winner 5, count them 5 Reminder Binders AND Sticker Sets!  

Just think of the people you could cross off of your Christmas Shopping List with these bad boys: your hairdresser, your mother in law, your sister in law, your kids teacher, the mailwoman, yourself, your aunt, your sister, your cousin.  Eh? Eh?  

Isn't she just the sweetest thing ever?  

But wait, there's more...

From now through December 15th Denise is offering my readers 40% off over at her Etsy store and gang, there are so many stinkin' cute things!  I love her work and her products!  

Here's how to get the deal:

Visit the Denise Albright Studio

Shop until your little heart's content 


40% off when you use coupon code SBAH40 (with a $10 minimum purchase)

Easy Peasy, right? 

And don't forget to enter to win the giveaway of 5 planners and 5 sticker sets!  

The giveaway will close at 11:59 pm on Sunday November 22nd so hurry and enter!  Good luck! 

Note: This blog contains affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure policy here


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