My Birthday Celebration Weekend

This past weekend was my Birthday!  You can read my previous post about it and see how excited I was to celebrate, which was a definite first for me.  I was so excited and since we had a terrific weekend I thought I would share with you all what we did.  

I started the day by slowly getting myself around.  Nick got the kids all packed to stay at their grandparent's house which was so sweet of him!  It was heavenly to lounge on the couch with a big mug of coffee and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie.  Calvin surprised me then with two things he had made for me in his pottery class.  As he put it, very precisely "it's a coiled bowl.  And a snowman, but not a real one.  It's a table decoration."  He was so proud and I love, love, love them.  Emma had given me her gifts of a candle and bracelet which I posted about in the last post

Nick then took the kids down to his moms and left me at home to get ready.  I took a heavenly bubble bath, read, and had time to do fun things that moms seldomly have time putting ALL of my makeup on and being able to put lotion on.  It's amazing what a difference lotion makes on your skin! 

After that the Wit picked me up and we went up into Michigan.  I wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and just get away.  So we went antiquing.  I love looking at antiques but it's so hard to go to the shops with the kiddos so I very rarely get to.  

We had so much fun and we laughed so hard together!  

Then this sweet man of mine drove me another 45 minutes to this place we found online that had french onion soup.  I have been wanting a good french onion soup for-forever!  This definitely fit the bill and even had an adorable little doily underneath!  What's not to love? So precious. 

After lunch we drove to the shore of Lake Michigan and took a picture just to document we were actually there.  In the photo above we were dying laughing because it was freezing, we were crazy, and my hair was blowing EVERYWHERE.  Such a good time though.  We then ducked into a coffee shop and got all warmed up.  Brrr. 

After a full day of shops and meandering and buying we went out to dinner at Flat Top Grill.  It's one of my favorite places to eat!  So yummy and so many choices! Above is what my bowl looked like when it came to the table.  It made a few good meals for me actually.  No way I could eat it all there! 

After that Nick drove me around and we found ourselves at a new/old favorite!  Scotty's Brewhouse! This was by no means the one we went to but we our first date was at the original Scotty's many, many moons ago, before it was a chain restaurant.  It brought back a lot of memories and it was fun to reminisce about what we ate that night and what we were thinking, if we were nervous, on and on.  So romantic! 

This was my gigantic Peanut Butter Pie!  My Aunt Jan introduced me to this and I am so in love with it.  Yum!  Again, no way I could finish it all so it went home with me.  

The next morning without kids around,  we were able to sleep in! By sleep in I mean that the dog insisted on jumping on the bed at about 6:45 and then I wasn't able to sleep so I think I was up by about 7:20 but still, it was so nice!  Nick slept a little longer and then he made me an amazing breakfast of eggs, toast, bacon, and grits...lots of bad things for you!  

We then went out and did some Christmas shopping to get ahead in the game and then came home and did a little relaxing before it was time to get the kiddos. 

When the children came home Emma wrapped my gifts from all of them and then they surprised me with them: an amazing new coffee mug they picked out and new jammies!  What's not to love about those two gifts?  It was so sweet of them.  

Then that night Calvin insisted we go and see the new Peanuts Movie for my birthday. It was so great and we had a wonderful time.  I love making memories as a family and seeing them get so excited about giving me gifts or going to the theater. 

It was such a heavenly weekend and I wanted to thank you all for being a part of it! I posted this image on my facebook page and so many of you shared or liked or commented.  As a growing business you supporting me and taking the time to read and love me really means the world to me!  

I also received so many wonderful cards, texts, phone calls, and facebook messages wishing me a happy Birthday!  They all meant so much and me and I felt so cherished, so thank you! 

So thanks again and I'd love to hear what you all did for the weekend too. :) 


Reminder Binder Review and Giveaway!


Today I'm the Birthday Girl!