Hi all!  Things here have been zooming by this summer and I hope you have had as great a summer as we have!  Things here have been wonderful.  We've gone on two trips, one to Illinois and one to Pennsylvania.  We've had an evaluation with a wonderful Autism school that we are hoping to get Calvin into.  Emma is enjoying a ballet intensive class.  We've just been busy.

Anyway, I am so lame I don't even have any pictures to share pulled up or anything.  I just wanted to hop on here and let you know I am still alive and living.  When life gets crazy the blog is the first thing to go.  Hopefully one day I'll figure out how to balance this all!

My goal this week has been to get this house clean!  Last week I was preparing for my baby sister's wedding shower my other sister and I threw. The week before we were in Pennsylvania.  It's just been a long crazy process that has left our house cluttered and hairy and messy, yuck!  This week is operation cleaning up so hopefully next week will be operation school planning!

Hope you all have a great week :)


hello there


A Beautiful Mother's Day!