A Beautiful Mother's Day!

Hello loves!  I hope you had a fantastic day Sunday.  Hopefully it was full of pampering and being made to feel as special as you are.  I know mine certainly was!  Words can't even begin to describe how amazing my husband and kiddos are...they did such a great job of spoiling me and making me feel amazing!  
Nick let me sleep in (I got to sleep until 9 am!) and then he made me a beautiful breakfast in bed!  Then the kids each gave me a bracelet...Emma gave me a rainbow loom one and Cal made me one out of twistie ties...they both are super cute!  Emma's came with a note that said something like "I made this for you...if it's not enough just let me know"  :)  
Nick and I then scraped the house to ready another section for painting (my idea...I wanted to!).  Then Emma treated us to a lunch she made!  She made lettuce salad with tomatoes and strawberries on the side...she was so proud and did all of it on her own...and it was delicious!  Love her and her big heart, that girlie!
Then I went on a run aroung the river in our neighborhood and ended up at the park so I could meet the kiddos and Nick at the playground.  I managed to get a ride home too :)  
After a shower and getting ready Nick just about had dinner ready.  He was amazing putting things together for me! 
While he made me dinner he served me fresh oysters on the half shell...yum!  They were so good and fresh! 
 And then it was time for dinner!  Lobster, corn on the cob, new potatoes, and shrimp scampi...it was delicious!  Amazing!  Terrific!

 But my best gift of all was these plaques Nick made me with the kids.  He used a lightbox to draw their names on the canvases and then printed each of the special poems I have between each child and I.  Then he had them put their hands and feet prints on them...so sweet and I will have them forever.

It was an amazing day!  I am so blessed to have this life and to have these children and this husband...happy Monday!




Target Savings on Crayons: Quick Tip