Fall Loveliness

I thought I would share with your some of my favorite Fall decorations...you know, since we don't have people over much. Here we go...
Love the silliness of this...gotta have sideway candy corn with googly eyes, right?

Everyone's favorite mums!!! They are my Birthday flower so of course I have 5 pots of them right now :)

Let your freak flag fly...

This wreath was a gift to me by my Grandma...love.her. For those of you who don't know the woman makes a wreath for everyone for every door, for every occasion. Ha, and you think I am exagerating! When we moved back home she wanted to make me a wreath and I suggested something a little more, um, not purple rose-ish. So I showed her what I wanted and this is what she made me....love.it :)

Apothecary jars are my game :)

For some stupid reason I forget about this plaque until I pull it out of storage and every year I am so happy about it...I think I got it from Hallmark one year for about $.75 and that included the stand

Here's our foyer

Why hello foyer door...

Alright this is super boring but I changed our GREEN candles for PURPLE candles...see how daring I am?

Pumpkin Em made in school...love her homemade decorations

Here's our centerpiece.

Here's my very large candle that get's filled with randomness for every holiday...last Christmas it was green split peas with a red candle...oh yes and a foam deer adorns the bottom
Well that concludes our tour...any questions?
As I write Nick has dismantled our fireplace...gee I don't think it can look any worse than it does right now :/ I don't mind the project as long as its done by the holiday! I think it will be...he's drywalled the sides of the fireplace to make little cubbies for our electronics and for media storage...we are glass tileing the mantle and fancying up above...I'll post pictures when its done
Hope ya'll had a great weekend :)


on and on and on


Things That I am Excited About