Things That I am Excited About

As summer slowly starts rolling towards culminating into my favorite season (AUTUMN, FALL, HARVEST TIME!!!) A lot of these have already happened which makes me one happy girl, and a lot of them I still have to look forward to which makes me a VERY happy girl:

Emma starting school! This will be her last year of preschool which is very odd. Her teachers asked me at orientation to be the room parent for her class and I am so very honored and excited! Cutting squares of tissue paper and planning parties here I come. I guess being a professional event planner is really paying off, ha!

Balcony nights! Balcony nights are cold nights that Nick and I sit out on the balcony drinking wine. I love these nights. He usually makes me laugh so hard I snort which is embarassing and makes me laugh even more.

Apple picking and Pumpkin picking! The kids love it, I love getting their pictures and we just all around love spending time as a family!

Decorating! I love decorating for Fall with all of the brilliant jeweled colors coming to life! There is nothing better!

Scentsy smells! Yes I know I am a nerd but I love breaking out all of those Autumny smells!!! MMMMM!

Thanksgiving! All of us girls spend the night at my Grandma's and make the food! So much fun!

My birthday! I am so, so , so excited for my birthday! This year we will be in our cabin over my birthday! And usually the Wit concocts something extra special because he is the greatest man ever :) Last year he was unemployed (read flat broke) and he surprised me with some of our fave italian foods on this tucked away island in town. I remember tears streaming down my face as I sat there amazed God let me be with this man...

Christmas Tree trimming. Every year we have cut down our own tree and then decorated it in the same day...yep, kind of a nut like that. This year I don't know if we will cut down our tree but I can't wait to decorate it with the kiddos.

Christmas in general! We have Christmas big time at the our home, including a cookie decorating party, an ugly Christmas Sweater party, Christmas breakfast here on Christmas morning, and this year we are having Nick's family's Christmas here! I don't think they've ever even seen our home decorated for Christmas! Super excited! Also my favorite people in the world come...Aunt Jan, Uncle Bill, my cousin Andy and if we are really, super, duper blessed, my cousin's Chris and Liz and their family.

The Black Sweater! This past spring I bought this black sweater with a shawl neck that I heart and gives me warm fuzzies inside! It was too warm to wear it for very long so I am so, so looking forward to pulling it out this fall!

My Mom Look: the fall I think is when I especially look like I am a true soccer mom, or hockey mom rather. I wear cute boutique jeans, paired with a sweater or cardigan, and then throw on a pair of flats. My go-to accessories are a Vera Bradley bag and my pearls from Nick and I am usually done!

The Old Farmhouse! There is this restaurant in an old (I mean OLD) farmhouse in the middle of nowhere that Nick and I like to frequent when we go to my family reunion thing. They have an amazing chef and I always leave there with at least one recipe that I spend weeks trying to duplicate. So. stinking. excited.

Pumpkin Carving Night. Okay so here's what we do for Pumpkin Carving...first we take a walk around our neighborhood and creepily take pictures of other people's pumpkins...that's right we're gourd stalkers :) . Then I usually make SOMETHING special. Last year I made a "Happy Pumpkin Decorating Night" cake which Nick said was kind of over the top. I agree but a cake is one of the speediest things a girl can make. THEN we decorate our pumpkin. Every year I always want to do one of those elaborate pumpkins where we slowly fleck off the outer skin so it illuminates but we always end up making triangle eyes and a toothy grin. Nick is our carver because I look like a mass murderer with a knife and the children...well, seriously who's handing a knife over to their preschoolers? So every year he carves and every year I love our creation that sits outside for approximately 18 hours before the squirrels have their way with it. Darn stupid squirrels. Last year the squirrels and I had it out over their stealing of my bulbs and their eating the face off of our pumpkin like a bad case of leprosy. Not cool little squirrels. Not cool.

So those are the things I am excited about this year. Yeper doodles :)


Fall Loveliness


Our Sweet Angel