Saturday's Date Day

Nicholas and I have both been in the need of a fashion overhaul. Nicholas is one to wear clothes that he has faithfully until he has worn them for so many years that they are frayed and beginning to show some serious wear…serious wear cannot happen when you have to be in the public eye. I have lost 25 pounds and so am finding that a lot of my clothes are no longer fitting. I had some clothes this small from pre-baby but they were immodest and inappropriate for a married woman. So shopping we must go. To make sure we actually went shopping, we had money set aside for this; We just needed a day set aside for this. So this past Saturday we chose to go shopping out of town. Nick’s mom watched the kids for us, bless her heart. Its not that we don’t like our kids around but we needed some serious alone time. We realized it has been months since we have had a couple hours to ourselves. We found clothes but more importantly we found our old college, silly selves again. We fell madly in love again. This man I married smuggled me into a dressing room which made me giggle. We sat at Swingbelly’s and talked, honest to goodness talked. We stared into one another’s eyes and we just relished every minute of it. And in case you are wondering about our clothes, we each bought a pair of pants and two shirts. Being who we are and how cute our kids are, we ended up buying more for them but it was fun. At home I’ve added a pair of sneaks and work out pants to my line up of items bought. On the way home from shopping we felt as though we couldn’t get to the kids fast enough, we missed them so, but it was so nice to have a day to ourselves to be ourselves together.


Unspeakable Blessings


4th of July