4th of July

So I know I commented earlier on how I was sick over the 4th of July but we did manage to get out and celebrate for the sake of the kids. If it were just me I probably would have been curled up like a squirrel somewhere. The 4th started on Tuesday for us because we went to the parade in Nick's hometown. It was a lot of fun for Emma (aside from being half asleep) and it is a nice tradition to have.
I love this picture of them...do I have the cutest kids or what?

Friday we had a picnic at my Grandma Jeans house. It was nice to get together and Emma loved playing on the swing and in the sandbox with Aunts Jaime and Lacey. I think she secretly also like Uncle Doug's new dog, Cedar, even though she refused to touch it. Calvin also seemed to have a nice time too! He is such an easy going baby. 4th of July night was tricky with all of the fireworks going off and two kids tucked safely into bed...luckily we didn't have too many interuptions of sleep.

Saturday's Date Day


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