The Weekend is Over

Don't you just love this hat?

Sorry I've been AWOL for the last couple of days. Calvin has not been sleeping at night and we have been moderately busy which leads to me being mummy-like, stumbling through the days trying to accomplish even the most simple of tasks.

On Saturday we went to visit Nick's sister, the Bean, and her husband Mark. She is pictured above with Baby Calvin. On the way there Em puked her guts out which was gross but helped us figure out that she must be getting car sick. This only seems to happen when we have been in the car for more than a couple of hours. There always seems to be something, doesn't there? So if you have any suggestions as to help a two year old conquer motion sickness let me know. Anywho at the Bean's we had quesadilla's and banana splits, both of which were amazing! It was nice to get away and just relax and not be worried about all of the cleaning I need to do or anything else.

Today we went to church with Nick's mom and Al Denson was there performing...just amazing! He sang some of his songs which were great of course but then he also led us in a few medleys of old hymns. The hymns you grow up with that make your skin tingle because you can just feel the spirit of the Lord is in this place. I was awestruck and so grateful...I needed that. Of course God always knows what we need right? Can I get an amen?

And now we are back home and just trying to enjoy one another. I am going back to work this week and tomorrow is my first day. I am kind of nervous about going back but also very sad. I wish I could stay home with my children permanently. But what Nick said is right: I tend to thrive when I have structure and a reason to get out of my sweats, which is what work gives me. Plus it is only a few hours a day, a few days a week and I can handle that. I know that, I just need to keep convincing my heart of that as it feels crushed. Please be praying for me and I will let you know how it goes!


Butter Me Up!


First Trip to the ER