First Trip to the ER

Today started off like any other, until Emma tripped on the living room rug and hit her face on the coffee table. At first I thought she bumped her head so I was holding her up against me. When I pulled her away and saw all of the blood on her eye, I knew it was serious. So I called Nick and he immediately was on his way. Praise God he only works .7 miles from home! So off to the ER we went. I thought I was just being panicky but when Nick saw her he thought we should take her too.
This is Emma waiting for the nurse. She held Whiskers the whole time. Occasionally she would put her hello kitty ice pack on the kitty's eye because it was hurt too. She refused to go to the scale to get weighed without her cat and then she dragged him down the hall behind her...too cute (and now it needs washed!)
This is Emma checked in and waiting for the doctor. She kept holding up the remote like a phone and saying "hello Grandma?" She called the nurse twice before we caught on.
She is just growing up too fast. Here she is being a big girl. She didn't want me to sit by her...she was too busy watching Higglytown Heroes.
Here she is back home. We figured having to have stitches warrented McDonald's so Emma enjoyed French Fries and Shamrock shake. I was afraid she wouldn't be feeling good, but Nick called me "Lindsay Ann" so she was following me around all afternoon saying "Winsy Ann, Winsy Ann"and laughing...I think she is okay.
Here's the damage. Three stitches with no anesthesia. To do it they wrapped her in a sheet like a straight jacket and the nurse and I held her down. She is such a trooper. The whole time while having stitches she cried "Mommy, mommy." Enough to break your heart. But she is okay. The doctor said the stitches can be taken out in about a week and there won't be a scar. We are just so thankful to God that it wasn't more serious. I mean, look how close it is to her could have popped out or something! Nick said she looks like Rocky when they cut the skin to get rid off all of the blood pooling. She is supposed to be pretty bruised tomorrow from this but we are just going to tell people that they should see the other guy! Please just be praying for our little trooper...I am so proud of her.


The Weekend is Over


Aunt Jan?