Sick Sixteen Birthday Weekend

Well, this weekend did not go planned at all. It’s a good thing I already had my rosy lens’ prepped from Thursdays post…I’ll just keep looking for the good.

Thursday evening Emma went to bed all befevered. 101.3, poor sweetie. Checking her temp through the night showed it was going down but still up there.

When she woke up late Friday morning her fever had broken but we had sad news…penguin humidifier wasn’t working :/ I always tend to be super attached to things. I guess this was sad because I got penguin humidifier at our baby shower.

Friday afternoon Nick and I hopped into the car to go to what has become a regular event for us… Couples therapy. It feels strange to say but after struggling for years and having so many recent problems, I've come to look forward to therapy.

We watched her through the day and by the evening her fever was back.

My mom's birthday party was Friday evening so we all went to that … Except Emma. We've managed to keep her completely separated from the rest of the family so we're praying the rest of us don't get what she has. None of us have symptoms so Fingers crossed!

Saturday morning Calvin had an early morning soccer game that Nick and I were both able to go to. I love being able to cheer next to my guy. We felt so blessed to be done with soccer and back at home before the forecast called for rain. It was nice to be able to sit at the soccer game on a breezy day.

When we got home Emma still had a fever. I changed her sheets and got some cleaning done while the guys got a lot of stuff done outside.

Nick and Cal got a lot of painting done, yardwork, trimming, sorting, cleaning, and putting away of the random junk that somehow accumulates around during the winter in the yard.

Calvin painted the corbel on our entry gate. Back in the fall during some of our dark months he had knocked it off of our gate when he slammed it closed. It was important to us and to his therapist that he fix what he broke. Nick and him have spent the winter months chaulking, glueing, bracing, viceing these things so attaching and painting them were the last steps. It feels so good to have them both back up. I always wanted these at our gate and having them back up and on reminds me how much I love them.

Another project the guys did was to put a new roof on our super secret birthday surprise for Emma…

We’re getting her a bunny!

Our amazing friends the Natasha and Eric gifted us with a bunny hutch AND a bunny cage that they were no longer using. Such a huge blessing! We decided to paint the bunny hutch and put wood shakes on the roof. It is so stinking cute!

I can’t wait to surprise Emma with the bunny and the hutch. We have the whole thing painted white right now and then we’re going to let her choose what fun color to paint it…I’m thinking a coastal kind of blue or a cheery yellow.

The guys are clearly into my photo taking as you can see below! ha. Hoping for some better photos tomorrow on Emmas birthday when we surprise her with the bunny and the hutch. We’re also planning on a small family get together provided our girl is feeling better.

We will wait and see. Hope you all have had a great weekend and are staying well! Any advice on a bunny? Please leave in the comments, thank you, xo.


Sweet Sixteen


Fun Drinks to Help You Get More Water