Crazy Days

I woke up at 5:50 am and poured coffee…one of my favorite times of the day. I watched an episode of Donna Reed…it was about the dad being gone and they thought a monster was at the door but it was a dog.

At 7 I folded laundry and worked on work emails.

At 7:30 I got ready for the day and ate breakfast…two gorgeous eggs and a slice of toast.

I have not had any lessons to teach for work the past few days. And while I am still working, it seems like things should be calmer…they are not.

In an effort to not forget these days I wanted to write out what our day was like yesterday. These days are so fleeting and run one into the other. I know that some day I will look back and not be able to remember one from the other.

At 8 I did my devotions.

At 8:30 I cleaned and worked. I noticed how gorgeous the indoor orchid was next to our window filled with outdoor snowballs. The beauty of a sinkful of dishes and a house surrounding me with flowers should never be lost.

At 9 I worked and drove my car to the service station to be serviced.

At 9:30 I helped Nick load the truck with furniture and we went to the Antique shop.

At 11 we kissed Nick good-bye, he left for the airport and I went back to work

At 11:30 I had a working lunch while the kids whittled. Their sweet spirits and naivety are so precious.

At 12 I packed the kids a picnic lunch and they rode their bikes to the neighborhood park. I worked and did some laundry.

At 2:00 we had chiropractor appointments for the kids so I moved my work to the chiro waiting room.

At 4:30 I drove Emma to ballet

At 5 Cal and I ate dinner

At 6:10 I had to convince Calvin his cleats were going to be okay. We left late for soccer practice.

At 6:30 I sat at the soccer fields and worked on blogging, planning, and then exercised around the soccer field.

At 7:30 we came home and I convinced Cal he did need to shower because holy moly, the smell.

At 8 I picked a super grumpy up from ballet.

At 9 I sat here writing over a cup of coffee and a leftover cake push-pop.

At 10 we called Nick to tell him goodnight and went to bed.

Here’s to the days that are busy, good, full, tumultuous, and so full of beauty.


A Fall Weekend in The D: Visiting Detroit and The Henry Ford Museums


Fried Brain Randomness