Going Back Home

For the past couple of months this space has not sat well with me.

We had taken the blog and tried to change it more into a travel type website. Which was great and we were loving that and the opportunities it was affording our family.

But then a new position practically fell in my lap, the camp season sprung upon us, and we found out that, Hallelujah!, Emma was accepted into a ballet company she’s been dreaming of. All of these things together mixed to give us a million reasons why travel was not going to be in the cards for us for a couple of months.

There are seasons in everyone’s life. As I grow and become older <ahem> I am finding the importance of not trying to force certain seasons or trying to make things happen that just can’t.

The problem being that I am not a person who is back to being super busy at home (which I will probably forever write “super busty” and will have to go back to delete the T…my former editor and I used to find great joy in giggling over this). Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, I wanted my old site back. I miss rattling on about recipes and decorating and homeschooling. I’ve become a homebody stuck in a traveling website.

Don’t get me wrong, we do still travel and probably travel more than most people. This year alone we’ve already been to California, Illinois, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. But in the past years that had become our life and now, I don’t know why, but it just isn’t anymore.

All this to say that I am being vulnerable here and saying, I am moving back over to Super Busy at Home. I am going back home. Whether this matters at all to anyone but me, I don’t know, but it does to me. It’s a change that I found necessary as I have been getting speaking engagements locally and they introduce me as someone who used to be super busy.


I am still so busy. I no longer have kid spit up and am scraping peas off the wall but I am still here, working 3 weird jobs and homeschooling to beat the band.

So I'll be moving back home. Slowly but surely. There may be some weird moments where one thing says “our wonder collective” and another thing says “super busy at home” but stick with me. We all have midlife crisis sometime, right? This can be mine.

Also, in case you didn’t know we had come up with Our Wonder Collective because we consider travel a collecting of wonders from around the world. Wherever we go we talk about how God made where we are so special and we try to store it all in our little hearts. I love that so I will still have a travel section and will call it that.

Super Busy at Home has been a part of me for the past 10 years so I am bringing it back because I think it fits me best. I love what my cousin Arielle said about it, she designed this website by the way, is super talented and just gets me.

You are super busy at home but you put this spin of joy and wonder on it and that’s what always made me love the blog and posts.

— Arielle the Website Wonder

Lastly I want to say thank you for sticking with me all of these years. All 3 of you. I see you, I love you, I appreciate you. And yes I am as weird in person as all of this makes me seem on the interwebs.


Happy 4th!


A Cottage Update