It's all in how you Think About it

We hosted Thanksgiving.

We bought a car.

Said car got hit by something and the bumper was shattered.

We’d had the thing a week.

One week!

Our toilet broke.

Which led to too much water going out leading to a bursting pipe.

On a Saturday.

Before Nick left for Canada.

Does anyone else love the holidays or is it just me?

I wish the holidays were just one big Hallmark movie…unfortunately this is how our holidays usually end up…spousal arguements in whispered shouting while purusing home depot aisles for a wax toilet ring.

Not to mention that the AT&T promotional period ended.


And you thought adulting was going to be fun.

There are so many times when I lay awake in bed, honked off at how the week, month, day has gone.

If such and such hadn’t happened we would be ahead this month. How are we again this far behind? Goals aren’t hit, max contributions aren’t met, and again we want to slam our heads against the wall in frustration…

And yet, there are so many things to be thankful for.

There are four hearts beating through the night every night. We all wake up warm, happy, well fed, and dressed. There is no fear of where our meals will come from. No terror about our coming day. We are together and happy and free.

And for me that is what I need to remember.

Y’all when I have toilet problems it lies within the simple fact that we have running water into the house and INDOOR plumbing!

When I whine about my new Lincoln’s bumper being a sight, it really doesn’t matter because, one, thank you Lord for insurance despite the pricey deductible, and two, the car still runs! We have transportation and heat and heated seats and self defrosting mirrors.

I could go on and on.

The point I am trying to make is that in society I feel we have become so near-sighted to our problems that we miss the big picture of being humble and grateful and decidedly choosing joy amidst minor set backs in life.

So I’m leaving you all with these thoughts so I can go bail more water out of the toilet (it’s my turn y’all)…think upon what is good and lovely in life. Dwell on those thoughts. Let them seep into your soul. Let God fill you with his peace and joy and goodness. Pure goodness. Life will be okay. God’s got this. God’s got you, girl.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

— Philippians 4:8

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Quick Travel Update: Tennessee, Indy, and Beyond!