Lucky in Life!

We are not huge Irish fans.  Truth be told I am about 75% Scottish so clearly St. Patrick's Day is not in our background but we like to celebrate in little ways so yesterday that is what we did. 

And not that I believe in luck but I am for sure one lucky (blessed) gal!  I always look around me on St. Patrick's Day to see just how much I have to be thankful for.  It's incredible!

Yesterday morning we had to be out of the house super duper early so we just had a quick breakfast of cereal.  However when your kids aren't given sugary cereals, Lucky Charms sure are a treat.  Not to mention I found this amazing St. Patty's Day version. 

The marshmallows are just pots of gold and clovers. The kids loved it so much they just gobbled it up! I love being their Momma more than anything!

I shot a photo before we left the house to go and see Mary Poppins, the musical.  I was blessed to be able to find these shirts at the children's resale I attend just last week.  Before that I had no clue what we were going to wear for St. Patrick's Day.  So it worked out perfectly!  I love Cal's it says "Sham-rock and Roll".  Oh yeah baby!

Later on when we got home from Mary Poppins and lots of errands we dined on the traditional meal of Corned Beef, Cabbage, and Potatoes.  And I didn't take a picture...on purpose of those things because they always just look kind of gross to me.  So I figure no one else wants to gaze upon it either. After that we had a rousing evening of math. 

Cue the excitement we all have about math but both of my kiddos are really, really good at math.  They seem to be able to pick up conceptual stuff so easily, it just blows my mind. 

But at the end of the math rainbow was our pot of gold...cookies!

Last month I made a big bath of gluten-free dough and made cookies for Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, and Easter.  I've had them stored and was just able to pull the St. Patrick's Day ones (cute BIG shamrocks) out of the container.

I then whipped up a quick buttercream frosting, grabbed these adorable sprinkles I bought last month while out doing our Monthly shopping, and voila, instant cookie decorating fun!

The kids did a wonderful job decorating!  Here's Emma's cookie.

And here's Calvin's.  Clearly you can see he's living by a more is more principle in life, teehee. 

We had so much fun celebrating St. Patrick's Day and hope you did too!  We did miss Nick as he's been out of town for business but despite that as I mentioned I feel so lucky to have this life of ours.  Specifically that I am able to stay home.  I know it is such a financial sacrifice we are making for our family but we know it is so, so worth it.  I know that I have so many friends and there are so many Momma's reading this that I don't even know who right now really, REALLY want to be able to stay home.  I've been there, I know how that feels.  And there was a time when I never, ever would have been able to fathom that I would be able to stay home with our "good luck charms" but now I am.  The fact that it's the every day sometimes makes me forget how unbelievable it is.  It's such a dream.  Such a blessing.

Not to mention the fact that I have our dream car, the best kids on the earth, a huge house, a romantic and sweet husband who is an amazing Daddy, a new washer dryer set (hey, it's the little things folks), and a sweet black lab who follows me around dolefully.  I feel like the luckiest lady on Earth.  God is good friends!  He blesses us beyond our wildest dreams, all we have to do is entrust Him with our deepest desires.

Happy Weekend sweet friends!  May you be blessed!


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