Twas the Eve Before School Starts

'Twas the Eve Before School Starts and all through the schoolhouse...

not a creature was stirring, not even to chase a mouse (because there aren't any, thank you Lord!)

The posters were hung on the walls with care,

In hopes that the children soon would share;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, 

While visions of no ISTEP danced in their heads;

And Papa in his oils and I in my Clinique Face Masque, 

Had just settled our brains from the weariness of summer crap. 

When up in the classroom there arose such a clatter, 

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.  

Away to the third floor I flew like a flash, 

Tore open my binder, my notebook, and chocolate stash.

The moon on the breast of our new purchased supplies, 

Gave a luster to school that was coming so soon. 

When what did my wondering eyes did appear, 

But a bucket of pencils all colors and tiers. 

With an old dispenser full of eraser caps too, 

I knew in a moment this couldn't be a minds trick.

More glue sticks than any firetruck could hold, 

With art coming, all of the mediums came. 

"Now Pencils, now crayons, now art pastels too.  On chalk, on paints, on twistables, too!

To the top of the desks!  To the top of the shelves! 

Now stash away!  Stash away!  Stash away all!" 

As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, 

When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;

So the child were bucking, not wanting to go

Thinking all of the things they were wanting to do-

And then, in a twinkling, summer was through, 

It was time to start school with new supplies too. 

As I went back to bed and had just settled down, 

Dreams of all of the shiny school supplies could be found.

There were dry erase markers,  some thick and some thin, 

All cradled together inside of their bins. 

A bundle of books besides their desks lay, 

And activities to do and quietly play. 

Their books-how they line up!  How neat and how fresh!

Their workboxes all dolled up and ready to collect!

I woke up feeling refreshed and renewed, 

although someone nervous of all the to-dos. 

And so as this comes to an untimely end, 

as I prepare to do tests and to see summer end, 

I will brew one more sweet tea wearing flip flops and say: 

"Happy to school year to all, and to all a good life!"


Fernwood from A Child's Viewpoint


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