Pumpkin Pie Spice French Press Coffee

I slept this morning until 8:50.  It was glorious!  

After working on the resale I was tuckered out. So when Nick woke me this morning I remember just saying "I'm sleeping in!"  I kind of felt like the queen! 

But when I woke up I felt groggy and needing coffee.  

And ya'll it is chilly here!  So I made some Pumpkin Spice Coffee...it will be Autumn soon!  

And you should know I had to change that because I initially wrote pimpin coffee.  'Yo. 

In the Spring I bought coffee on clearance for $1.94! Score!  At the time it seemed kind of dumb because I wasn't in the mood for it but now here it is crisp and it worked out perfectly.  It's a lovely thing to already have in the house what you are in the mood for and not have to go tromping to Target with the kids in tow to find it.

In the photo above is the coffee, my mug which I swear holds like 100 oz of coffee. I found it at the Homegoods in Gurney Mills in Illinois.  I love it but am in the mood to change so I'm on the hunt (or if anyone wants to send me one, hint, hint :)  ).  And the french  press. 

Oh, the French Press. 

We have a Keurig that I use regularly.  And we still have a coffee pot tucked away in the pantry to make lots of coffee for parties.  But when I feel like making myself coffee these days I pull out my French Press.  

This is my french press.  After borrowing my Mother-in-Law's when we went camping I knew I had to get my own.  

Mine appears to be pretty hard to find these days.  It was released for Bodum's 70th anniversary.  I love it because the pink matches my kitchen so it looks so pretty sitting on my counter. If you want to buy your own they have them at the Vermont Kitchen Supply.

They also have lots of color combinations available.  Bodum makes bigger ones but for me at home with the kids this size seems to be perfect.  I get about two cups of coffee out of it and am pleased as punch all day.  

So Happy Pumpkin Pie Spice Day!  Go whip yourself up some coffee in your french press.  It always makes me feel happy and special and I know it will for you too!  

Cheers, friends. 


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