I'm Lindsay and I'm an Usborne Books Consultant!

I realized last night that I've never talked about this on my blog...
But the cat's out of the bag....
I'm an Usborne Books & More Consultant!
Y'all I am so excited about these books.  Have been for years!  
To me there is nothing better than books, except for Children's books!  
My mom and dad brought me up with a thirst for reading.  I loved reading so it was super important to me that our children love to read.  I've been reading to them since they were in the womb.  
When Emma was two and before Cal turned one my mother-in-law and I attended an Usborne home party at my friend Mindy's house (hi Mindy!).  I know Cal wasn't even one yet but up until this point he had wanted nothing to do with books.  Boo!  
I don't know what it was about that silly Usborne book my Mother-in-Law gave to him but that was THE book that sparked his interest in books.  It was the only book he would carry around and gravitate towards.  
Whatever it was, it worked and now both of my children love, love, love books!  
Last November I had an Usborne book party that I booked off of my friend Nicole's party (hi Nicole!!!).  I was able to get a ton of free books for homeschooling through this party.  It wasn' t that there was a lull in our love of Usborne between Calvin's first year of life and his fifth but rather that we had been getting them from the library.  So when I had this party I was able to get all of these awesome books for free from hosting so now I could stop schlepping to the library every three weeks for the same books.  (Seriously, the Usborne Encyclopedia of history is a book we have used in homeschooling for 4 years now so I would get one copy for three weeks, return it and get the next copy.  It was a sad life for me!) 
Fast forward to this September.  We had started this new curriculum for us (Classical Conversations, whoop, whoop!) and I was thinking forward to what we would be studying thinking we are going to be needing some new books!  
I was this close to scheduling a new party and was looking at their website when I saw they had a special price on becoming a consultant.  
Why not?  I thought to myself.  A quick fill out of paperwork later and bam, I am now a consultant.  
For me I thought it would be weird trying to encourage friends to have book parties.  I am pretty shy and I don't like to push things on people.  But honestly I am so excited about these books that I think my love for them just spills through!  
My kids and I LOVE when an Usborne Book Box is delivered to our doorstep!  I always try to order something for our kiddos when I order someone else's books, be it a fiction, non-fiction, or an activity book.  New books keep kids excited about reading and learning new things.  
Be sure to check out my website and feel free to post questions here in the comments section...I'd love to help you with a particular book or to offer reading tips for your little reader!  


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