A little about me...

Welcome to my blog!  I am so glad you found your way here and that we get to spend some time together.

If you are new here let me tell you a little about myself...

My name is Lindsay and I am a Mom of two kiddos.  I am in the trenches of motherhood and striving to love it rather than complain about it...easier said than done sometimes :)

I am married to my college sweetheart, Nick.  An amazing man, he works really hard to provide for our family so I can live out my dream of being a stay at home mom.

We got married in college.  Three years later we had our first baby and life seemed to take off!  We had our next baby 20 months later and life became even busier.  I have a degree in Corporate Finance which now only comes in handy when balancing our checkbook or moving investments around.

We are a homeschooling family which is super expensive!  If you are a homeschooler than you can agree and if you aren't a homeschooler you may have never thought of that!  While I do it as cheaply as I can, we still have to pay for things that would be free for our kids if they went to a public school.  Because of that I also search for deals and coupons, making me a self proclaimed bargainista :)  I love finding deals and I hate paying full retail for ANYTHING! :)

Above all, I am a Christian who would be so lost without the salvation and grace God has provided me.  God has blessed our family so much and I strive to let everyone know how trusting him transforms our life!

Our life is not perfect.  But it is real.  I try really hard to not portray a life that seems all puppy dogs and butterflies but a true picture, behind the curtain of kids throwing things, a couple learning to parent, and the rawness that is why we all need grace.

I blog about a lot of things but sometimes not very consistently.  I blog about life but my life is not blogging by any means.  I blog to remember things and to share our experiences with others in an effort that we may help someone with what they are going through or planning...you'll see blogs on organizing, couponing, our journey with autism, homeschooling, decorating, vacationing...the works!

As a disclaimer please know that any meany-weeny or malicious comments will not have a welcome spot on my blog.  I know everyone has their own my opinion but this being my blog I get to make sure this blog makes peace, not war.  :)

I hope you enjoy my blog!  So glad you could stop by!  :)


Winter Break is Through...


Good Bye 2013 and Good Bye Debt!