Our House of Love

In an epic moment of failure last year, I completely spaced having us make a Gingerbread house.  It was one of those things that kept sporadically running through my mind and then the realization hit me on Christmas Eve that we had never gotten to it.  
So I did the next best thing.  
At Target I found a Hello Kitty Gingerbread kit on clearance for 75% off...I think it was $2.50 or something.  I looked at it...it was pink.  It had heart candys...we could use this for Valentine's Day!  
Frugal Tip: Try looking at things on clearance in a different light to see if you have other uses for it.  Sometimes you can come up with creative uses for things and save a ton of moola.  
So we assembled.  I always try to have the kids have their own items to work on so they won't fight and so they have their own spaces for their creativity.  So each kid got a side, a front (or back) and a side of the roof.  
When it was all assembled I added Hello Kitty to her new home, affectionately named 
"The House of Love"  
oh yeah.  
It was the centerpiece of our Dining Room table because I don't have anything Valentiney for our table.  
Anyone have any ideas for me???

So everyday it was there tempting them.  Tantalizing them.  Drawing them in.

 Until Valentine's Day when these two adorable children finally, FINALLY got to dig in.

 Eating the House of Love!

It was very crunchy (putting it lightly!) but they really seemed to enjoy it and had fun!  And they finally got to make a Gingerbread house!


Wow, God is Good on a Horrid Monday


Ice Skating