Hooray for Productive Sundays!

Sunday Cal woke up sick again!!!  Hacking, acting like he was going to cough up a lung, the works.  Luckily Nick didn't have to be at the office, so he was able to take Emma to church while I stayed at home with Sir Sick's a lot.  (that's his unofficial name heehee!)

Here's Emma all ready for church.  Isn't she just adorable?  She is really rocking the short hair these days.  And she was so super-duper excited that this was the last Sunday before Valentine's Day.  She's been waiting forever to wear this dress!  Love her! 

Here's Mister Sick's A lot  trying to get a little smile out.  Poor little man.  By the way, I've been curling my hair a lot like this lately...like it or hate it?  It actually takes me less time to curl all of my hair than it does to straighten my hair.  Weird I know.  But the curling business lasts a couple of days so that's cool too.

As much as it stinks not being able to go to church and having a little one sick, it was nice to get some extra snuggling time in and to be able to clean this place up a bit!

After Emma and Nick got home from church, I whipped up some corn and cheese chowda' and then we got to chopping crayons for our Valentine's Day gifts.

During naptime I started cleaning up our room that  is the kids play room, commonly called "the Blue Room".  Wanna guess what color it is?  It's like the White House all up in here, yo!

After naptime we dined on Waffles and Bacon for dinner.  I found this amazing waffle recipe over here at Momma Blogs Alot. Be sure to check the recipe out as it was super yummy and way easy!  I am always trying waffle recipes which have me separate the eggs and then fold in whipped egg whites.  As much as I love the end results of that, sometimes its just like "I'm a busy mom!  Enough is enough already!"  So I was on the hunt for an easier-peasier recipe.

After dinner we had a family game night of the Trouble board game and then some Mario Cart on the Wii.

Whew!  What a packed day!  We sure did manage to cram a lot into our day today as a family.  Tomorrow begins our week of Nick working 7 days in a row and, needless to say, I am less than thrilled about it :(  So I was really happy that we could spend some family time together.

Stay tuned this week!  I'll be posting a recipe for my Cheesy Corn Chowder and will also be posting on our fun Valentine crafts!

Please post on what you did this weekend...I'd love to hear from you!!! :)




Proud of Kazoo