Road Trip

Well we are home from our vacation!  We had such a great time!  We spent over a week and a half  going to Disney and South Carolina.  Over the last few days weeks I am sure I will be filling you in on the time we had.  With the new camera we have found that taking pictures is so much much so that we took over 4000 pictures!  That's a lot of editing and narrowing down! Whew! 

 We left on a Sunday night at midnight.  We drove through the day and then stayed in a small town named Tifton, Georgia.  It was so fun!  Here are how the kids end up when the sleep together...children sandwich!

 This is Calvin excited as we are nearing took us about four hours to get there from Tifton Tuesday morning and he was definitely ready to get there!

Here's Emma's "we just got to Disney!" face.  How cute is this girl?

We all had so much fun!  Nick is officially back into his work routine and today we are starting school again.

As hard as it is to get back into our routine, one thing if for sure...we are glad to be out of the car!


Signing Time


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