A New Week is Here!

Good Morning Blog friends! 

The dopey blogger userface is apparently doown and I can't post piictures.  So you just get me writing away here. 

Hope you all had a great weekend. 

We certainly did. 

Friday night Nick's parent's had the kids over for a sleepover. 

Nick and I went out to dinner and then went to a local museum for a murder mystery.  We had so much fun. 

The best part though was next morning:  sleeping in.  All the way until 8:30.  It was glorious.  Then we sat around in sweats watching the Food Network and eating leftovers...it was so nice. 

Saturday evening we went to some dear friends' house for dinner.  Hi Jess!  Hi Andrew!!    We had such a good time and our kiddos LOVED playing with their girls.  We went to a Harvest party together at a local church and just had an amazing time. 

Yesterday I was feeling a little under the weather.  Nick was such a trooper and took the kiddos to church on his own so I could get some rest.  He is the best man in the world!  By the time they got home I was feeling a little better and was able to get moving around again by mid afternoon.  

All in all it was a wonderfully relaxing weekend, and while we didn't get everything done that we had wanted, we had a great time.  I feel rejuvenated and ready for this week, rather than dreading it already.  As I mentioned in this post last week we have a very busy Monday.  But I feel ready for it and we are charged up to go! 

One of the things I am going to do today to make life a touch easier is make Ham n' beans in the slowcooker. 

Are you allowed to call it a Crock Pot if it isn't a Crock Pot brand?  Just wondering....

Also, you can't be all correct and call it Ham and Beans...'ya gotta call it Ham 'n' beans.  With the 'n'.  :)   

You don't really need a recipe for beans...it's more a cooking method and you can add whatever the heck you want.  But I learned to make beans by following this recipe from Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman.  I figure if anyone can make beans, it's gotta be someone be a Pioneer Woman, right?  I mean, I read the Little House books, those people had to eat beans :)   

Anywho, throwing beans and a hamhock into the Crock Pot (excuse me...slow cooker) is super easy and then I don't have to worry about dinner after a super busy day when things are horrid.  There's no telling how today will go, but there is a pretty good chance that by dinner time I'll be rocking in a corner, pulling my hair out and crying.  And it's hard to chop things when you're sitting in a corner rocking...not easy at all. 

So that's all I've got for ya today.  Hopefully the DUMB BLOG people can get the photos working...I'm shaking my little fists at you, people inside the computer. 

Happy Monday everyone!!!


DIY: Shoe Painting


Happy Pretend Columbus Day!