2 more weeks of summer

I swear, this summer has just flown by! 

We have had so much fun though.  And while we have definitely spent our fair share of time lounging around and recooping from our first year of homeschooling, we have also kept busy. 

We've visited new places, gone to the beach lots, had lots of science time, played in the pool and waterparks around oodles, and had tons of walks, trips to the local parks, and playdates with friends. 

All in all it's been a wonderful time around here! 

The picture above was taken at Nick's parent's house.  Every 4th of July their small town puts on a parade and we are blessed with having Nick's parent's live on the parade route.  So every year the kids are out on the curb to wave and get candy as it's thrown.  It's one of their favorite times of the summer! 

Hope you all have had a great summer!  We still have two more weeks until school starts and we are going to make sure to relish every minute! 


Little Lazy Bones


Mommy's Little Helpers