Happy Memorial Day!

I hope you all have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

I haven't written in so long due to just being sooooo busy!  I thought it was just us, but it seems all Moms are making the fast dash to the finish line of the school year...tball, gymnastics, parties, fieldtrips, birthdays, showers...it's all coming in fast and furious. 

Around here we as a family have been working hard to get our house organized and in a comfy cosy manner in which it is easy-peasey to keep clean.  We've all been working together towards this and it's been going really well.  This weekend we have nothing going on.  Absolutely no plans, so I am hopeful that we will be able to get it all done and start enjoying the fruits of our labors.  I am super excited about that part :) 


A month and a half


Wonderfully Imperfect