Emma-Kazoo Update

Since I haven't talked much about Emma either I thought I would update you on her now. 

She is such a light in our lives. 

She is hilarious with dancing and is so talented with playing the piano and the guitar, and making up silly songs and lyrics. 

Emma is such a people pleaser.  She's always trying to do whatever she can to make us laugh, trying to give us a good joke one way or another and just all around be cute. 

Emma is going to be turning 6 on May 1st and I just can't believe how fast the time has flown by!  Fortunately she is still letting me put her in bows and dress her, so I am relishing that as long as it lasts!

Emma is a lover of all things girly.  She loves her Kit dolls and has been reading the American Girl books during her quiet time in the afternoons.  She loves Calico Critters, Barbies, and her Dollhouse. 

Emma has been doing so, so well in school.  I am amazed at how much she can retain and learn.  She is in the middle of memorizing the Gettysburg Address and each week we memorize a new verse.  It is a rare occurance if she misses a spelling word, and she loves math and history.  We are even into second grade grammar books and the peeny thing is only 5! 

Emma is definitely our "easy" child.  We're working on patience though as she is definitely short tempered sometimes (she definitely got that from me, but don't tell...I'm denying that one to the end!) 

I just love her so much and we have so much fun together. 


A Sizable Jumble of Randomness


Calvin Update