As Promised...Vacation Pictures

Well I did tell you yesterday that I would post some vacation pictures, so as promised, here they are!  Seriously, we didn't do anything drop-dead exciting, but we had a lot of fun and I think we sure do have some cute kids so a lot of the pictures are of them just being so gosh-darn cute!
Let's get started shall we?  These next few are from when we went to the Indianapolis Children's Museum...dubbed to be the World's Biggest Children's Museum.  If you have not been there it is definitely worth going. 

 Here are the kids at the dinosaur they ae happy but when we first went in, Calvin was not going to have any part of way, no how.  Eventually he believed us that they aren't alive, they aren't coming alive...after that it was smooth sailing. 

Here is Emma digging for dinosaur bones.  What is it about kids in goggles that is so silly and cute?  I had to show you this picture because check out the view behind Emma...nice backside cleavage of some little girl who could use a belt :)

 Cal in goggles...again, I love me some kids in goggles!

 They have a huge Barbie Exhibit. This was Emma's second time at this exhibit so she knew her way around pretty well.  Here she is in Barbie's glasses

 Here she is before going into the Barbie Vault of all of the expensive Barbie's...she's such a ham

Here's Emma answering phones for Barbie at the reception desk...this was the part that she was the most excited about. 

 That night we went out to a pizza parlor.  The kids loved it. 

 Pizza guy :)

 I had to show you this picture because this was not planned.  Nope...this is his fancy face :)  You're all jealous, aren't you ladies?

 This always melts my whole little life walking in a row

 While on vacation Nick was driving us around and we did quite a bit of off roading...that makes Nick happy.  Anyway, we came to a dam at the bottom of the hill.  Nick wondered if it was part of a reservoir so he climbed the hill (I stayed in the car with sleeping kiddos) and I shot some pictures of him.  This is one of them and I just love it.  He just takes my breath away.  He could be standing in the moor's of Ireland in this picture or something. 

So anyway, those are some of our pictures.  There are oodles more but I won't bore you...too much :)  Hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse of our vacation.  Now it is "officially" back to reality tomorrow!


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