
The week after Labor Day Cal started Preschool.  Honestly I knew this day was coming.  It's been marked on my calendar for months, I attended orientation meetings and had to fill out all of the application forms for him to be reviewed.  I've had a hand in this.  But the night before Preschool I found myself in shock and disbelief that my baby is going to preschool. 

I had no idea how he would do.  But he has wanted to go, begged to go, since Emma had started.  He has been so, so excited. 

So here are some pictures of his first day.  You can see he's armed with his new sneaks and his new Chuggington backpack that Gigi and Pops got him. He's such a big guy.

These pictures have a strange effect on me.  They make me smile and sob simultaneously.  Weird stuff that is. 

Sporting stitches on his first day of school.  Nick was telling him he'd be a big hit with all of the ladies :)

 Sporting his new Chuggington backpack :)

 Raining on the first day of school :/

 Praying...I got this picture with Emma too during our morning prayer time. 

 Hot man, 12:00.  Sorry, just can't help it bad I tell people behind his back he's growing beard for a Prostate Cancer awareness benefit?  That's not bad, right?

He didn't even look back.  That's the way he is.  He's wanted this for two years. 

When he was done all he could talk about were the cool toys that were there.  Every time we visited Emma's class he just loved the toys and was so excited that now they are his class' toys! 


Wonder Woman

