It is Finished

I wanted to make something personal for our niece's first birthday but let's face it, talented I am not. But I have been making Emma hair bows for a while now without anyone saying "ew, what's that in your hair?" so I thought I would give it a go. 

Ta-da!  Finished product!  In case you are wondering I make 3 different type of hair accessories.  First there's the rosette, or the flower clip you see right in the center.  Then I can make corker thingys with all of the bouncy corkscrew ribbons.  And finally I make bows. 

I added lace around the little pail and put some green felt over the foam inside.  Then I painted a bunch of popsicle sticks to be "stems".  The ribbon wrapped around the bottom of the pail is actually a bow holder for her wall. 

The "one" on the front I made by attaching rhinestones to paper and then that paper to a bigger sheet of cardstock.  And voila!  I would love to know your opinion on this.  Is this cute or dead ugly?  Maybe you'd like me to make one for you :) 

The only thing I know about is that bow bouquet is gosh, darn hard to say 3 times fast! :)

So this is what I've been working on.  It really wasn't that hard except I had so much on my plate this week that when figuring out what to make, my mind would just kind of melt like icecream into a pool of mush.  When I was working on it I was thinking of something else and vice versa. 

So there it is...she doesn't get it for a week so shhhh, don't tell her!  I hope she doesn't read this...she seems pretty smart so she might...quick, act natural...

Anyway, give me your this the ugliest thing ever?  Is it okay?  I have a hard time Price is Righing my stuff, you know holding my hand out and saying "and look at these fabulous bows!  Aren't they extravagent?"  (kidding!) But Nick thinks they are cool.  So let me know what you think too!!!!


Why Hello There


Little Cookie Monsters :)