What I've Been Working On

This week has been busy! Crazy busy but super fun too! Monday Emma had her Valentine's Party at school which I was in charge of. We had a lot of fun! Thursday we had Cal's meeting at the public school for his therapy evaluation. I am super pleased to say that they tested his intelligence, fine motor skills, gross motor, and on and on with the speech tests. He tested either on the high end of normal or way over normal into advanced on everything except articulation. So he will be going to speech therapy once a week at the school. We were happy to hear that they even have it pinpointed what sounds he needs to be working on and which ones he's gotten really good at. :)

Here are some other things/projects I've started this week:

I am writing a story on a school having a "turn off your tv week"...it's due tomorrow. I guess I should get started :/

We are ripping apart our attic. Even if we don't use it as a homeschool workspace we will need it for the kids to play up there. I am so excited to see how it turns out. Nick is taking down a wall to add space to the non-storage part of the attic. Yippee!

Ripping apart the attic means that we are getting rid of things, organizing what we have and getting it all in tip top shape. So the clothes and toys are going to a resale. I am THRILLED to be a part of a Christian Woman's resale...it goes along with the Proverbs 31 principles of making money out of your home by being resourceful and to help others in their community. (And off the record any baby stuff is or has been passed down to family)...you have no idea how many big guy clothes I have...it is unbelievable! It is also neat that the sale is at the church I grew up at, First Church, so it is super cool to get to see how it's changed...it still smells the same if anyone knows what I mean. It's just a nice walk down memory lane :)

We also have gobs of stuff that Nick's cousin gave us...some of it they wanted back so we are getting all of that together to return. We are going to Chicago to visit them next weekend and we are all super excited!!!! We are going to IKEA and a few other stores that we just love!!! Yippeee!!!! So we will have that stuff out of our house too which will feel nice. I have been so concerned with keeping it nice...we just keep shuffling it back and forth from one placce to the other to make sure that it is out of the way.

Organizing. I am sure that it is the whole spring cleaning bug but lately I have been in the mood to organize! It all seems to go together in this house which is just wonderful. The children have tried all of their summer clothing on to see what still fits (that is in fact how little our children grow)...the too small are going into the sale and the still fits are now freshly organized and ready to be worn...if only the weather would cooperate!

Easter outfits. I know I am a dork but I like us all to have a general theme for holidays. I'm thinking seersucker this year so watch out everyone!!!! My Aunt Jan passed down a wicked good deal for photos so I need to get the outfits picked out so we can have those done...thanks again!!!

Emma's Birthday Party. I can't believe that it really is only about 2 and a half months away. This is her first birthday party with friends coming so she is super excited. She also wants to make the cake with me instead of Auntie Bean so we'll see how this goes folks!!! Yikes, the four year old is putting the squeeze on me!

Our yard. Have you seen this thing??? We've finally surrendered and admitted that we need some professional help! We've spoken with a few landscape companies about coming in after the snow's gone for a consultation...soil samples, on and on. I am just wanting to get it done so we at least have a tiny yard our kids can at least play in without getting all muddy.

So that's what I've got going on right now. How about you???

Happy Lord's Day everyone!!!


The everyday
