The Test

Saturday Emma had her test into the Academy that we signed her up for. All of the Kindergartener's have to take a test and then there is a lottery system to eliminate 100 children as there isn't room for everyone.

I've gotta tell you I really am having my doubts about this school. I know it is to create some type of uber child but I also want her to be able to be a child! Good grief, it was kind of crazy!

My first fear is the fact that she will have all-day kindergaren. I really don't want her to be gone all day for Kindergarten. I thought I would have at least another year of half day school.

My other fear is the learning. Emma is smart and can keep up, but oh my goodness you would not believe the crap that they have these kids doing! Spanish, research projects, papers, TYPING up their own research papers, group projects, presentations, etc, etc. And that's in KINDERGARTEN! Yoink!

We definitely have high aspirations for her but at the same time we expect her to stay a child and have lots, and lots of fun!

So that is where we are with the test. We had to provide all kinds of progress reports, a teacher recommendation, and on and on to get her into the test. We find out in about a month if she got in or not. I am about to fall off the fence and into the homeschool lawn, and Nick just hasn't decided. We are praying about it and hoping for more direction after we receive the test results.

On a sidenote we are house-sitting for our neighbor's as the husband has prostate cancer and they are seeking out a second opinion for treatment. Please be praying for them. They are fairly young, just retired, and this came out of the blue.

In another side note it looks like Nick's infection on his foot may have returned. They are starting him on the strongest antibiotic...pray.pray.pray. He goes to the doctor Thursday :(



Hello Friend