A Chid's Perspective

Two year's ago Nick's Mom got the kids a digital camera. One of those super durable, kid friendly ones. Here's what I have ascertained from this camera:
a) This camera sucks like nothing has sucked before, or
2) My kids make horrid photographers...

Kind of think its the second choice :)

But I love them for it, and they're cute so we'll keep 'em...
Do you like the dog nose?

I think he was trying to figure out how to USE the camera

Almost there, but not quite...
I love these pictures. FINALLY found the usb cord for the camera (because that's how stellar of a mom I am!) and downloaded these pictures last week....320 and I'd say 10% were hardwood floor.
And as much as I am teasing the children, I do love to see the world from their perspective...the world probably is very much hardwood floor and dog noses because that's what at their level.


Bear Down Chicago Bears!


How I Cook with Kids