Happy Friday!

Last night Emma had her Christmas concert and she did so, so good. My baby girl is growing so quickly and I could not be more proud of her.

Super excited it is Friday! Hooray! I've been super excited about this Friday because it is a lonely oasis of a day where we have nothing to do...nothing planned, no where to go, nada. It's surrounded by days filled to the brim of things to do...all day long, tasks, appointments, chore lists, and then obligations every evening. I know that that just comes with the territory of the holidays but come on people! This momma needs a break!

So tomorrow as I said I have the whole zip nada thing going on tomorrow except that Nick's mom asked if she could have the kids tomorrow. They love spending time at Anna's house so I said sure. I always miss them so much when they are gone, but admittedly I will get tons done with them not underfoot.

My plan is to get all of the Christmas presents wrapped and done! Tomorrow night we may have our first houseguest in and I think the house is pretty much ready for him. Cleaned and orderly is what I would call it, sans our bedrooms but I will get to those tomorrow. The guestroom is clean though so we are ready to go on that end.

Getting all of the presents wrapped will help out a lot as next week is go time. Tons of cooking and baking to do and I am so, so ready for it! Woo-hoo! Plus this weekend we are busy! Saturday we are going to Chicago and Sunday we have our neighborhood's Christmas party.

Have I told you about our neighborhood Christmas party? Well we live in a National registered historic neighborhood and at Christmas everyone lights luminaries and we go caroling. They also unveil our neighborhood Christmas ornament of the year, the chocolate cafe in the city brings hot cocoa, and there are horse drawn sleigh rides on the brick streets with Santa! How magical does all of that sound?

So anyway, just wanted to say Happy Friday!


The Old Schoolhouse Magazine


The Past Week in Winter Wonderland