O Christmas Tree

The day after Thanksgiving we always go and get our Christmas tree. This year we found ourselves back at the place we got our first tree after we bought our house, so it was fun to walk down memory lane :)
Here we are with our tree :). It took us all of about 5 minutes to find our tree which was wonderful, because...
As you can see Calvin was miserable. He was freezing. So I took hiim back to the car and we just sat there looking at Black Friday ads...the kid is so easily pleased. "Hey do you want to go look at pictures of toys?" sure mom.
Here we are decorating the tree. Aren't they so cute? Love them!

This was Cal's first year to put the star on the tree...he was very excited! This is our only picture because our tree is so big Nick had to put the star on, so TECHNICALLY this was Cal's first year to hold the star

And here it is folks, our finished tree. I have to tell you I think this is the biggest tree we've ever had...it is eating our living room! Don't tell Nick that though...shhh, I keep telling him it's not too big. (he reads this by the way). :)
Christmas has started here in our household and we are so, so excited!


Merry Christmas!


Get to Target!!!