Happy Saint's Day!

Here we are before hitting the town last night for some Trick or Treating. This is going to sound ridiculous but last night was the first night the kids have gone trick or treating! Honest to goodness going to someone's door and begging for candy. Usually we just visit Grandparents and I think maybe twice we went to the mall to get Candy.

Even as a kid I didn't go trick or treating right. We lived on a very busy street and so my dad would shuttle us in as kids to someone else's neighborhood.

But last night was amazing. We stopped at the mayor's house (who by the way gave out peanuts) and talked to them as the first lady loves our children and they adore her. Then to Miss Kathy's house who has the infamous black cat, who let the adults share in some of her Almond Joy love :). Then on and on we went to people who we knew. Everyone loved the children's costumes. I loved the neighborly feel and the classical-ness of it all. We live in a historic district and walking through the streets in the haze of nightfall with the streetlights ticking on, it was very romantic. It might have been 50 years ago and you wouldn't have known it, save from my digital camera!

We decided as a family when we were done that it was the most fun and we would definitely be trick or treating next year :)




Happy Eve of Saint's Day!