Wonderful Wednesday...

Happy Wednesday! Hope you all had a nice weekend and are enjoying this week! The weather in our neck of the woods has been super nice/weird this week with a Fall Day, then a hot day, and now seemingly a rainy day...a little bit of everything apparently.
We are supposed to be going on a field trip with Emma's school this morning and I am hoping that we don't go...its been raining all night and we are going to a mosquito and tick infested woods to tromp around...oh fun in dry conditions...so not a hiking in wet grass kind of girl :) And cuddling with our Kazoo sounds fun too!
What else has been going on? Hmmm, let me think. Well last night I had dinner with a dear old friend and it was so much fun. It was nice just to get out of the house for an hour or so. When I got back, from the look on Nick's face he thinks I'm some sort of saint for not killing those children of ours..."those children" as he calls them :)
Monday I spoke to Cal's doctor who said that it sounds as though he definitely has asthma. Saturday Emma had hockey and Cal did nothing but cough the entire time...no joke, the whole time. Poor guy, he just couldn't catch his breath. So from that and the fact that the other inhaler was working on him, the Pediatrician said it sounds like he has asthma, hopefully just set off from allergies this time of year. We have an appointment with the allergist in the distant future (because that's how allergists roll apparently!) so hopefully they will say "well keep him away from mold" and then our problems will be solved.
Speaking of Emma's hockey she fell this time. alot. Poor kid. But she still had fun so as long as she can have fun falling and lying on her back like a turtle I think we are accomplishing something here, don't you?
While Emma was at preschool Monday Cal and I decided to hit up the zoo. It is fun when I can spend time with just him...I've waited for these mornings as really this is the only time I get with just him, you know? Emma I had for two years alone before Cal arrived so its nice to see his personality emerging...he really is a funny guy as you can see from his smiles...
String Cheese snack...what a waste...he carrys is around and trys to wrap it around things so I just have to throw it away...or he'll say "cheers" and hit it against things. See? He's a funny guy :)

Then the other day I went out to the car on the curb and this follows me out:

One of his sisters crocs on, and yes that is a McDonald's box on top of his head...I'm just glad the flasher decided to keep his pants on :)

And on an end note I have to tell you this. Last night on my way to dinner I took library books back and have so many of them (don't judge me!) that Nick had to help me with them out to the car. Anywho when he got in the house apparently Cal had his pants off and said "potty!" and was standing at the bathroom door. Nick told him to go on in and Cal said "dark" so Nick turned on the light, Cal ran to the potty and went! He held it till then, took off his pants, and everything! THEN when Nick was giving them a bath (because he's the best Daddy/Hubby combo package ever!) Cal yelled "poop!" so Nick set him on the potty and he peed, which is what Cal calls poop, but whatever! So excited this is all finally starting to stick and I can see a light at the end of the diaper tunnel!!!!


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