Our week :)

So we have been home from vacation for 5 days! And I am happy to report that the excitement of being home has not dwindled. When we were gone I started missing the children, our home, and even the simple mundane things around here, like laundry and cleaning. So this week has been a week of making sure the house is maintained and that I am getting my chores done. Laundry is done every week, I entered about 90 items into a children's resale, I washed windows, launder curtains, clipped coupons, cleaned our tree lawn, wrote a blog/article, did worksheets with Emma's, had craft time, and had Calvin's therapy time.

This weekend Nick unfortunately works but I am looking forward to the time that it will give us at home that we will be able to get some things done around here.

Nick comes home from work and reports about people and their comings and goings. One guy cheated on his wife and was SHOCKED when she threw him out, another guy had his wife cheating on him. I think all of these attrocities are just horrid but it is kind of nice for me. When Nick comes home he hugs me extra tight and tells me how thankful he is to have me and our marriage. He appreciates the cleaning, the cooking of dinner every night, the laundry being done, the lunches being packed. He is such a kind and thoughtful man when he makes sure I know how grateful he is.

As you can see this blog is pretty much about absolutely nothing. Sometimes during the day when I have no one to talk to these are just nice. Nice, nice, nice.

We are pretty sure that we are going to be homeschooling the children. The recent immunizations that are now required, the fact that they will be teaching children that marriage is between two people, and not a man and a wife, the fact that our children are AMAZINGLY smart, all reasons to convince us that homeschooling is looking better and better.

I've been researching homeschooling by looking at blogs and Iam holding my head in shame after looking at all of these things that moms do to teach their children! They do so much stuff, they have such great ideas! I am really going to have to get my fanny in gear. Thank the Good Lord that I have these blogs to refer to to get ideas on things to do!

Well I think that is it for now. We are having meatloaf, mashed potatoes and corn for dinner so I'd better get cookin'!

Things I Love


Door County