Memorial Day Saturday...

Birthday Fun

Today is my Grandma Jean's birthday so we all met at a local cafe for lunch. She was tickled and it was a nice time getting together. Here are some pics from that:

Here's my cousin Jaime and her boyfriend Tim

Here is my baby seester Kelsey and Emma...they are best buds :)

Here is my Uncle Doug and our little Birthday girl!

The Zoo!
This morning I took the kids to the zoo. We are members so we can go in 2 hours before it opens to the public to see them feed the animals. Emma decided to sleep in (thank you Lord!) so we made it a little later. We did get to see the alligators eating which was fun. In general all the animals are a little rowdier than during the day because it is just the start of the day and it isn't so hot.

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids on the turtle statue...I think I like the second one better :)

This is a picture of the tiger. It was so cute because it was kind of playing in the water and then I guess it decided it was tired because it just came over in front of the kids and rested its head on a ledge in front of the glass. His breath was fogging up the glass. The kids just loved this moment.

"Driving Around in my Automobile..."
I love these pictures of the children. Its so funny what they went for too. Cal was steering the car while as soon as Em got in she pushed every button imaginable. So funny, these two are, I could just eat them up.


Its Come Back to Bite Me...


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