Hanging Out Poolside

We decided that with the high temperatures and humidity levels starting that we were going to need a pool. We found this huge pool at Christmas Tree Shop for only $16.99! Wowwie! Okay it isn't gigantic or anything but for the two kids it is plenty big enough. They were in the pool three times today and it was just the first day! They just love it! The water really feeds into Calvin's evil plans to annoy Emma beyond belief. As you can see they are super cute in the water and I even let them enjoy popsicles in there. Yeah, that's right I am one cool mom.
Tonight was Emma's last Gymnastics class which was kind of sad but geez oh pete I am so excited I don't have to take those kids anywhere for the whole summer after this week! Hooray! Not that they are involved in so, so much or anything like that but it will be nice to have a practically clear schedule to say, go to the beach, or a museum, or the waterpark, or, or, or...as you can see I have some big plans for these kids.
I started casually chatting with Cal's therapist about him not listening. I have always figured it was a stubborn mule of a man thing...after all I have to tell Nick to do things three times so why would his son be any different? Turns out it could be something bigger. The therapist seemed to be really concerned about the part that I can't let Cal walk with me or go anywhere unless he is strapped in as he just won't stop. Even when I am screaming and scared or mad, the kid won't stop. I guess the fact that there might be something that can be done to help the situation seems amazing to me as that has just been the way of life around here.
Emma said the funniest thing tonight. Tonight Cal said "no me, no me" about something and she said "no Cal, we don't use rhyming words towards people that we love." I just laughed. I won't tell her that he didn't rhyme, he repeated, and man, oh man, she could really set some rappers straight, am I right?
So that was our day. Hope you are enjoying your week!

Boots :)


Tuckered Out