The Beginning has had these commercials asking "what is your beginning?" and I love thinking of our beginning. I don't tell many people because it is a somewhat complex story. There was no story of how we reached for the same breadstick in the cafeteria line and we knew we were meant to be. But our story is us. Its sticky and complex. Its funny and quirky. Its a story that is funny. Its a story where we should never have even been remotely in the same place...but God made it work.

I think all of those things basically describe us. And our marriage.

Nick said I dwell too much in the past. He thinks that because I love our beginning so much that I must not be happy with the now. Which totally is not true. I love our now. I have loved every single moment. But the beginning is fun because I remember how I felt when I first laid eyes on that man. How we would stay up for hours in the cafeteria talking. How he kissed me on the cheek when he left one time. How I felt butterflies for him. How I still do.

So those things are what I remember of our beginning. What is best about your beginning?


Beautiful Girl


So sexy