Birthday Wish

Next Friday is my Birthday! Hey, hey! I am going to be 28 years old! Wow, how blessed I am to have the greatest family and just be loving life at this age! God has truly blessed us, no matter what the circumstances of our lives may be right now.
For my Birthday I have a wish. I am not telling you exactly what it is but I will tell you it has to do with Nick getting a job (the most pinacle thing on my mind right now). Decisions are being made this week and I just hope they are good news for us. Please be praying. Pray, pray, pray!
So that's what's going on right now. I am cleaving to the fact that I KNOW God is for us. Plans to bring us good and not harm. I know something is coming. I know. I just have to somehow learn to be patient and rely on God moving things in His timing, not mine. :)


100 Acre Wood


Miss Kazoo